
Course Description

Acrobat can change the way your organization creates and distributes documents through e-mail, print, tablets, or the Web. PDF (Portable Document Format) files are sharable across platforms and devices, eliminating such problems as computer system differences or font availability. In this course, learn how to convert existing files or websites into PDF format according to your desired settings. Discover how to navigate PDFs and use the Acrobat editing tools. Send your PDFs for review and learn how to add comments and use the markup and stamp tools. Set basic security options to control how your PDF is handled, and find out how to attach supporting documents. Topics include working with images, using the snapshot tool, and initiating a review through e-mail. Additional topics include working with bookmarks and exporting information from existing PDFs into other formats.

In this course, you will learn to: 

  • Learning the basic features of Acrobat 

  • Using Acrobat for desktop publishing 

  • Editing PDF files 

  • Managing documents, including comments and security 

  • Participating in document review cycles 

  • Creating Acrobat documents for web pages


Experience with Windows or Mac OS X.
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