4 Courses Required

This certification establishes a solid foundation in JavaScript, the cornerstone language for web development, enabling interactive and dynamic user experiences on web pages. The course covers JavaScript fundamentals, including variables, data types, functions, control structures, and DOM manipulation. By the end of this certification, you will be proficient in using JavaScript to create responsive and interactive web applications.

Who Should Take This Certification?

JavaScript is a great entry point for anyone interested in web development and software engineering. As a core technology of the World Wide Web, JavaScript is used daily by employees in various roles at tech companies, from front-end developers to full-stack engineers and even technical product managers. This certification will help you become more competent in web programming and confident in building interactive and dynamic websites. Employees and job seekers looking to enhance their coding skills and deepen their understanding of web development should also consider this certificate for professional development.


Workplace Skills

  • Dynamic Web Page Creation: Learn to implement JavaScript to add interactivity and dynamic content to web pages, enhancing user engagement.
  • DOM Manipulation: Master the Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation with JavaScript, which is crucial for dynamically modifying page content and structure.
  • Event Handling: Gain expertise in handling user inputs and browser events to create interactive web experiences.
  • Asynchronous Programming with AJAX: Develop skills in AJAX to create seamless and dynamic user experiences by fetching data asynchronously without refreshing the web page.
  • Debugging and Testing: Acquire techniques for debugging JavaScript code and ensuring it runs efficiently and correctly across different web browsers.
  • Responsive Design Principles: Understand responsive design principles, enabling you to write JavaScript that works on multiple devices and screen sizes effectively.


This certification includes a series of progressive courses: Introduction to JavaScript, Intermediate Applications of JavaScript, Advanced Applications of JavaScript, and Advanced Applications of JavaScript Level 2 - React.js. Completing this four-course sequence will result in issuing this certification and the accompanying badge, which may be displayed in your email signature and on LinkedIn.

Prerequisite: Some familiarity with computer programming or coding in any language will help you quickly adapt to JavaScript. While it is not required, many students who are new to coding and programming have benefitted from first taking our Introduction to Computer Programming course and then segueing into coursework with JavaScript.


Courses are held monthly and may be taken online synchronously or in person at our training center in Des Peres, St. Louis County, Missouri. Employers and job centers may also request training held at an offsite location. Please contact info@cetc.umsl.edu for further information.


This certification satisfies 52 hours of the required courses for the following UMSL Chancellor’s Certificate: Web Development. Each course is worth 1.3 CEUs.

For More Information

For more information and registration details, please visit the dedicated course area on our website or contact our support team at info@cetc.umsl.edu.

Additional Details

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